6 April 2013


Hi, lovely reader!! As my title, today I gonna share with you the use of SALONPAS! Don feel weird with what I said just now. Yes, the use of SALONPAS PATCH on BEAUTY!! *我的抗痘小秘方*

Hate pimples?? Here now got a super efficient way: use salonpas patch!! According Barbie Hsu (大S)'s skin care experience, salonpas patch is quite efficient to 'fight' the pimples. If you find your face sunddenly pop out a red piece and when you press it you will feel pain.. That means Pimples World War I is coming soon!! hahaha

On this moment, you can cut salonpas patch according your pimple's size then stick the salonpas patch on the pimple. After a certain of time, pimples will be disappeared. I use about one afternoon to disappear it.. *the effect is differrent with each individual*

I bought large size.

First, cut it into small piece.

After that, cut it to a stick size.

Lastly, cut according your pimples's size.

*the patch is double-sided*

But if you have long term pimples or endocrine disorders (内分泌失调), this method may not effective for you. Pimples grow on your face maybe is oil control problem if grow on your back mean you may have health problem. So be careful ya reader